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Royal Copenhagen Early Crystaline Vase 18.5 cm Signed Valdemar Engelhart

Item number: 167094

Description: Royal Copenhagen Early Engelhart Vase 18,5 cm In mint and nice condition. Crystal Glazes Since 1889 engineers at Royal Copenhagen had been working with the crystal glazes. The names of the artist / engineers were Adolphe Clément (1860-1933 at RC 1883-1891), Valdemar Engelhart (1860-1915 at RC from 1891 - 1915), C. F. Ludvigsen (1883-1963 at RC 1911-1922 and 1947-1953), P. M. Proschowsky (1893-1968 at RC 1918-1925) and Søren Berg (1897-1978 at RC 1927-1933) Adolphe Clément is to be recognized as the main source of the invention of crystal glazes or the so-called ice glazes, which was a sensation in the ceramic world around 1890. Inspired by colleagues from Sevres in France and based on his own former work with the porcelain glaze Bleu Royale.  Clément experimented with different coloring of glaze crystal and made more than 100 vases, which were presented in Paris the spring 1890, which created a lot of interest for the techniques. When A. Clément left RC in 1891 her turned over his knowledge and materials to Valdemar Engelhart (At Royal Copenhagen from 1891 - 1915). Engelhart developed the work with crystalline glazes adding the result of his own experiment. At the world exhibition in Paris 1900 both Sèvres and Royal Copenhagen presented crystal glazed items and it has for years been discussed, which one of the manufactories, which actually should take the glory of the invention.  Leif Lautrup-Larsen argued in his book "Stentøj" (Stoneware, Copenhagen 2008) that the credit should be given to Clément and Royal Copenhagen.In 1911 C. F. Ludvigsen (At RC from 1911-1922 and 1947-1953) was hired at RC as Engelharts´s assistant, and both he and his successor Prochowsky and Berg made selected items with crystal glazes until 1927-1929 were the production ceased.  The Crystalline glazes were primarily used for vases and bowl so the form and the glazing would give life to each other.  Some of those vases were sold with exclusive silver mounting from Michelsen Silver or bronze mounting by Knud Andersen
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